  • How secure is my personal information?

    We understand that the safety of your personal information is important to you, which is why we have taken steps to provide a safe and secure shopping experience. For more information, please visit our Privacy Page.
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  • Do you accept cash, checks, or money orders?

    Sorry, we do not accept cash, checks, or money orders for online purchases at this time.
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  • Why do you need my phone number during checkout?

    EXHAUSTMANIFOLDHEADER uses your phone number as a reference for all warranties. Your phone number used during checkout will not be released to any third parties. For more information, please visit our Privacy Policy page.
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  • What do I do if I receive a processing error for my payment?

    Failed Authorizations and Payment Declines You may need to contact your financial institution for assistance on declined payments. You are always welcome to submit an alternate payment method for your order if you are unable to resolve the payment issue ...
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  • What types of payment can I use for my order with exhaustmanifoldheader.com?

    Visa, Paypal
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