  • How do I register?

    We recommend that you use your email address as your username, this makes it much easier to remember. Please make sure that your password is at least 6 characters in length. You can easily create your own EM profile by clicking here to register.
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  • I forgot my password

    If you forgot your password, just click the "Forgot your password?" link on the “ sign in” Page and we will send you an automated email with information to confirm.
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  • I cannot login to my account

    Firstly, check your login details carefully.Make sure the email address is the same one you used for registration, and that the password you entered is correct.Secondly, please make sure that your web browser accepts cookies. It might be a problem caused ...
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  • Why should I create an account?

    An EM account makes shopping with us much easier. Allows you to: Check the status of your current order and keep track of previous orders. Contact Customer Service with questions, order updates, and general assistance. Store your shipping and payment...
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  • How can I change my password?

    >>Log in to your account---password.>>Locate the “Change Password ” option on the left corner and click it to reset your new password.
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  • How do I change my exhaustmanifoldheader.com account information?

    Changing your account information is easy with your exhaustmanifoldheader.com account! Just visit "Your Account "and you can update the following details: - Billing Address - Shipping Address - Phone Number(s) - Password If there have any questions, welco...
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